Do these look the same to you? Part 2
Doxxing a toddler, a gaslighting foundfluencer, and cyber bullying by coffee table book royalty (allegedly!)
Scroll no further until you read Part 1, “Do these look the same to you?”.
And, yes, I did promise to email everyone Part 2 last Thursday. So I suppose the only confirmed fraud in all of this is…me.

I held off on publishing what I wrote on October 8th after watching things play out that day, as Helle’s post gained traction and Glowery reacted. This was quickly becoming a fascinating case study on a hatchling beauty brand and, funnily enough, I’m somewhat of a beauty journalist. I laid down my pitchfork and anthropolo-gized.
By the afternoon, the call-out post had reached 10k likes and hundreds of comments shaming Glowery. At that point, I was overcome with pity for someone I had pegged as simply an inexperienced founder, who made a mistake, and was now being dogpiled upon by people who she probably sees as her peers.